Bio-Allan Westerling
Allan Westerling is an associate professor in Social Psychology at Roskilde University, Denmark. His area of research includes fatherhood and parenthood and generally the issues and troubles of everyday family life. He works with mixed methods and takes a problem oriented, interdisciplinary approach
Bio-Katharina Herlofson
Katharina Herlofson (sociologist) is a researcher at NOVA, Oslo Metropolitan University. She is co-responsible for the Norwegian Life course, Ageing and Generations Study (NorLAG), and her main research interests include gender and intergenerational family relationships in ageing societies.
Bio- Jorge Gato
Jorge Gato is a Researcher in the Centre for Psychology at University of Porto, with an interest in the lives of LGBTQ+ individuals in different contexts, such as school, family, and work. He is a Systemic Family Therapist and an advocate for LGBTQ+ human rights
Bio- Gerardo Meil
Gerardo Meil is professor in Sociology at the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid. His research and publications focus on Family Sociology, Gender Violence, and Work-Family Balance Policy and its impact on family dynamics. For a full vita see his web-page at
Bio – Dominik Schoebi
DS is a Professor of Psychology at the University of Fribourg, and the director of the Institute of Family Research and Counseling. His work focuses on emotion and interaction dynamics in intimate relationships, and on physical and psychological violence in families.
Mission Statement
The European Society on Family Relations (ESFR) represents a multidisciplinary, non-profit organization of family researchers. The Society aims to promote excellence in the scientific study of family relations in context by bringing together European family researchers. The ESFR is devoted to the advancement of theoretical and empirically-oriented research at both the basic and applied levels. […]
Constitution – Constitution and By-Laws
Article 1. Name The name of the society will be European Society on Family Relations (ESFR). Article 2. Mission The European Society on Family Relations (ESFR) represents a multidisciplinary, nonprofit organization of family researchers. The Society aims to promote excellence in the scientific study of family relations in context by bringing together European family researchers. […]
By-laws- Constitution and By-Laws
Article 1. Membership and Dues 1.1 The membership of the society shall consist of institutional, individual members and sponsoring members as detailed in Article 3 of the constitution. There are three levels of institutional membership termed Full, Affiliate, and Associate and there are three levels of individual membership consisting of Full, Student, and Affiliate. There […]