ESFR Summer School in Marseille in cooperation with Museum of European and Mediterranean Civilisations (La MuCEM)
30th august to 4th September 2022
There are still a few spots available! Apllications’ deadline extended to June 31st
Please send us a personal motivation letter (max. 300 words>) to with the following information:
- Affiliation
- Area of research
- What stage of your Ph.D. are you in
- What do you hope to get out of this experience
- What do you hope to offer to your peers
Notifications of acceptance will be sent until June 15th.
The summer school will be open for students and doctoral students at the MuCEM (Museum of European and Mediterranean) in the old harbour of Marseille, France.
The focus of the summer school programme will be on multidisciplinary theoretical and methodological approaches relating to families on the move and families in transition, within the contexts of:
- Migrating families
- Parental/gender role changes within the family
- Intergenerational relationship changes within the family
- Family reorganisation and reconfiguration
- Fluidity and diversity within family life
- New family forms – modernisation and re-traditionalisation
- Families and the “new” media
Doctoral students will have the opportunity to present and discuss their research. The summer school will also provide a forum for doctoral students to engage and collaborate with peers and other academics at an international level.
Key Note speakers and scientific experts from different areas (Psychology, Sociology and Social Policy)
Claire Bidart, Aix-Marseille Université
Isabelle Albert, University of Luxembourg
Rita Gouveia, University of Lisbon
Jorge Gato, University of Porto
Margarida Henriques, University of Porto
Katharina Herlofson, Norwegian Social Research (NOVA)
Kimmo Jokinen, University of Jyväskylä
Tina Miller, Oxford Brookes University
Angela Palmer, Geary Institute for Public Policy, UCD, Ireland.
Lenka Šulová, Charles University Prague
Uwe Uhlendorff, TU Dortmund University
Allan Westerling, Roskilde University
Gabriela Misca, University of Worcester, UK
The programme will be accompanied by the MuCEM with excursions and lectures related to the topic “Families on the Move”.
Language: English or French (with translation in English)
Participation is FREE for students/doctoral students.